Funny Memes Men Drives Us Girl Crazy
100++ Hilarious Road Trip Memes and Cartoons Speaking Truth About Family Travel
Huge collection of absolutely hilarious family road trip memes, jokes, funny quotes, and cartoons to cheer you up while traveling with your spouse and kids. So True!
Road trips are one of the very best forms of adventure travel. You go to places you would never visit traveling via an airplane, enjoy the fantastic world of the great outdoors on your own schedule, and you get to know your family on a much more intimate level. But have you ever found yourself in an unexpected or funny situation while on a family road trip? That face-palm feeling you'd have, or that non-stop laughing spree? You'd wish you could make a road trip meme or a funny cartoon of it! We come across these meme-worthy moments and ridiculous jokes on almost every road trip! So we've decided to make a collection of our favorites! Dear road trip enthusiasts, you will not be disappointed!
Quick links to road trip memes collection:
- Going on a road-trip
- How to prepare
- How to pack
- On the road
- Road trip with kids be like
- Road trip food guide
- Bathroom breaks
- Overnight stay
- Problems on the road
- Back from a trip
***This post may contain affiliate links and we may earn compensation when you click on the links at no additional cost to you. All product recommendations and feedback are ours and based on personal experience. Please refer to our Disclosure Policy .

Please note, the images are taken from the internet and are not produced by us. These road trip memes, family road travel jokes, and funny road-trip quotes are posted "as is" – we have not been editing out any references on the pictures themselves. Where possible, on a "best-effort basis", we tried to trace back the source of these road trip memes and added a credit to the author.
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Let's Go On A Road Trip!
Many times when we are stuck at work, only thoughts of an upcoming vacation can keep us going.. We are ready for that vacation.

Yet with most of international boarders remaining closed, road trips and staycations seem to be the only option for family travel. So are we, REALLY ready for THIS type of vacation?

Road trips can be so much fun! Yet car travel, especially with family, requires a great deal of preparation.

If that alone is not enough, COVID-related restrictions are making family road trips so much more difficult. Here is a road trip meme that describes what I am talking about perfectly!

If THAT is not enough also, let me ask you: are you planning to take a road trip with your kids?!! I could not stop laughing at the next road trip meme about travel with kids!

Our readers who have kids know right away why that poor cat was so scared. For those of you who do not have kids, let me explain.

These before and after kids funny memes describe it perfectly!

You may also want to check out our other funny meme and humour collections:
our entire collection of family fun is HERE
60++ Absolutely Hilarious Homeschool Memes, Jokes & Cartoons for Moms
60++ Hilarious Hiking & Camping Memes You Absolutely Have To See
50++ Hilarious Travel Memes and Jokes To Cheer You Up During Covid19 Pandemic
Once you have kids – everything changes. Everything. Road trips with kids are very different.

Here is a funny cartoon on the lengths parents are prepared to go only not to take their kids on a road trip with them!

However if you ask a child if they want to go on a road trip… the following road trip meme is absolutely hilarious!

Well.. maybe some kids are not that excited after-all..

How to Properly Prepare for a Road Trip Memes
Most of the road trips happen in summer of course. However in some parts of Canada summer can be like…

Step 1: consolidate all kids car seats in one car. …and every mother everywhere is like…

Step 2: Get snacks! Lot's of snacks! It doesn't matter how old you are, buying snacks for a road trip should always look like an unsupervised 9-year-old was given a $100 hilarious road trip joke.

Step 3: learn the road trip car rules – best summed up in the next meme

Also, let's get clear on the highway rules.. one last time.

All done? Let's pack! I personally absolutely adore this alpaca road trip meme!

Your Funny Road Trip Packing Guide
Now.. how to pack for a family road trip to ensure you are not a copy of a cartoon?

Tip 1: Make sure to pack it light.

Tip 2: Clean your car and make sure to leave enough space at the back …well for your kids of course! Otherwise your car can join the list of the perfect family road trip memes!

Tip 3: No need to bring absolutely everything with you! There are large chain stores all across North America and Europe. You can always make a shopping stop.

yeah… I laughed so hard at the Family Car Guys Be Like road trip meme!

Well.. but what's going on here?!

On the Road Family Driving Experience Memes
Are you finally packed and morally prepared for the road trip of your life?! Get ready for surprises! Kids have many!

Don't forget not to eat beans before your road trip!

Otherwise that moment when someone farts in the car will become a popular road trip meme đŸ™‚

Road Trip Tip: make sure to have good navigation and load your destination in advance. However I agree with this road trip meme: one does not simply do a road trip without getting lost! LOL

You'll be surprised, but I still sometimes see people relying on paper maps on many of my own family road trips. How? Why? Life before Google Maps road trip meme sums it up.

Road Trip Tip: try to have at least two drivers in the car. Here is a road trip cartoon that explains it.

But when you tell your wife on a road trip you're tired and ready to switch drivers…

At some point she's gotta take the wheel. Every man has this look when his wife is driving – road trip meme.

What do you do in the car for so long?
What do you even do on those road trips? How do you entertain each other? Road trip cartoon: My family's favourite road trip game is called "heated argument".

Men, beware, your spouses are sneaky! Get into heated argument with my husband on a summer road trip – turn on his seat heater when he's not looking meme đŸ™‚

Guess who desperately wants to be a part of your conversation?!

Fights can happen for any reason. Wrong music mixtape? easy!

Maybe it is best sometimes to turn a deaf ear on what your kids are listening to!

Speaking about kids: they ARE listening! I realized I might have a road rage problem – road trip meme

Road Trip Tip: you gotta keep it all together whatever it takes. you're a family after-all. Here is a great road trip cartoon situation that you definitely want to avoid.

Most times on long road trips you have to be creative to pass time. Whenever I was on a long road trip, I used to imagine there was a little man running alongside me, dodging obstacles – joke đŸ™‚ Thankfully there are many road trip kids activities you can choose from nowadays!

But most of the time the whole family is trying to fall asleep. The driver is like naaahhh… Let me play you the song of my people!

Depending on where you are travelling through, even dogs can fall asleep.

Road trips are definitely not a glamorous way of travel..

You may also want to check out our other funny meme and humour collections:
our entire collection of family fun is HERE
60++ Absolutely Hilarious Homeschool Memes, Jokes & Cartoons for Moms
60++ Hilarious Hiking & Camping Memes You Absolutely Have To See
50++ Hilarious Travel Memes and Jokes To Cheer You Up During Covid19 Pandemic
The Hard Truth About Travel With Kids – Road Trip Memes & Cartoons
Here comes the juice stuff: road trips with kids meme and cartoon collection. Having a toddler of my own and travelling with him all over, I could not stop laughing at these road trip jokes!

Every single thing done with the kid is a challenge. It all starts way before you leave. This "Get your child into a car seat" road trip cartoon sums it up perfectly.

Sometimes I wish things were easier…

Easy on the car seat buckle pressure! Kids are people too. LOL. Just look at his poor face!

Suggested post: What To Do With An Old Baby Car Seat? How to Recycle a Car Seat?
"And then they expected a baby to sleep in the car seat" funny road trip meme

Some parents get creative to make their baby sleep… but does it really work?!

I am sure you've been through these situations so many times: your baby cries throughout the entire road trip and finally falls asleep two blocks away from your destination. Whyyyyyy…?!!!!!

Or, probably worse: you baby sleeps all through the entire road trip only to be up all night when parents are trying to catch some sleep. Frankly, I'd rather have it hte other way around.

But what if your kids are older? Road trip meme: The look on my face when my kids fight in the car.

Road Trip With Kids PRO Trip: Want kids to behave on road trips? Bring a bag of candy. Anytime they misbehave, throw a piece of candy out the window. Problem solved. This tactic may be a bad joke, yet your kids good behaviour is guaranteed.

Good Road Trip Joke: on a road trip with my dad when I was young, he pulls out a diet pepsi and opens it. I yell "don't drink and drive!" and knock it out of his hand. LOL

The entire road trip with your kids in one infographic cartoon:

"Are we there yet?" cute road trip meme.

Nope. Not there yet. But then we discover….. I find this family road trip cartoon both hilarious and a learning lesson.

Your Funny Road Trip Dining Guide
Road trips are not just about driving. You gotta eat. Here is "dining out with children summer-up in one photo" hilarious road trip meme

Many parents would rather eat gas station food than have a seat-down at a restaurant with their kids. I can totally understand this attitude.

Some cars are better equipped for gas station dinners than others…

The alternative: eating right in your car.

Like this post if you are a Canadian, like we are! Tim Hortons forever.

Well, some of us do try to eat healthy. Excellent road trip food joke by a healthy mom đŸ™‚ Nice try mom!

Yet, food is always fun and is always the subject of so many road trip jokes!

Did you know our cars have a built-in taco holder?!

Suggested post: Best Car For Road Trips? Top Car Features to Ease Family Travel
Tacos on a road trip? Do you want to risk your marriage? Seriously? LOL

Yet some cars are even equipped with a perfect grill device! Hit a deer? You can eat it right then and there – sorry, this road trip joke is dark.

Many times road trips with family do indeed test your relationship, and all you want at the end of the day is a good drink. Trust me, I am Russian.

Road Trip Bathroom Breaks
So you think road trip food is funny? Wait for it! Here come road trip bathroom jokes and memes!

…and it always happens as you just pulled out of the rest stop.

..or if you are in the middle of nowhere. This "we have a problem Captain" road-trip mama is so funny!

Well, at least babies have diapers on. Sometimes I wish diapers were mandatory for all on family road trips. Love the Rock in this road trip baby bathroom meme!

What do you usually do if your kids need to use the bathroom on a road trip and you are stuck in traffic? Ideas? Share in comments!

We all had this feeling when you reach the end of a long road trip with no rest stops… you are like:

Where do we sleep on a road trip?
"Are we nearly there yet?" and everyone laughed! But no. There was still 89 minutes left. "Are we there yet" road trip joke.

I find the smoking in the car road trip meme appalling. Yet including it here still as an example of what NOT to do on your road trip. Smoking is bad for you by the way.

When the family is finally tired and starts looking for an accommodation.

Finding a good hotel in the middle of nowhere can be tricky. There is an abundance of really weird ones for sure. Just look at this clown motel. Would you stay here?! No way!

What is ti with kids and pools anyways? "New hotel with kids pool just opened?" road trip meme.

Suggested post: 5 Tips Baby-Proofing AirBnB, Hotel, or Vacation Rental When Traveling With Kids
Have you ever worked at a hotel? I can totally get this manager who decided "no, thank you".

You may also want to check out our other funny meme and humour collections:
our entire collection of family fun is HERE
60++ Absolutely Hilarious Homeschool Memes, Jokes & Cartoons for Moms
60++ Hilarious Hiking & Camping Memes You Absolutely Have To See
50++ Hilarious Travel Memes and Jokes To Cheer You Up During Covid19 Pandemic
This kids at a hotel road trip meme sums it up.

'Cmon, parents are people too! everyone needs a break on a road trip if only to check a favourite Facebook page or a YouTube Channel.

Camping? Anyone?
An alternative to staying at a hotel (or if you got kicked out of one) would be to go camping!!! By the way, check out our collection of hilarious camping and hiking memes.

Suggested post: 60++ Hilarious Hiking & Camping Memes You Absolutely Have To See
Camping with a baby expectation vs reality – funny road trip meme.

Suggested post: Camping With a Baby – Six Baby Gear Essentials To Take With You
What wildlife thinks.. – camping road trip cartoon

Yet if you get creative, you can keep your kids entertained and clean your car at the same time. Whoever had created this road trip car-washing idea meme is a genius!

…and finally there comes the time when you get your kids asleep and can spend a little bit of time on yourself… what do you usually do?

Honestly, I go to sleep! instantly! LOL

"Houston, We Have A Problem" Road Trip Memes
Now let's switch gears and talk about what common problems you might expect during your epic road trip.
Speeding. Simply don't speed. I absolutely love the road trip joke below.

Yes, definitely slow down when you see a cop. Even if everyone in your car needs to use the bathroom urgently. You'll waste a lot of time if they pull you over.

Can't stop laughing at the rock-paper-scissors joke!

Things you can see on the road. You'll be surprised.

Road Trip Tip: make sure your car is in perfect condition before your hit the road.

It sucks when your car breaks down on your road trip.

Most common problem on any road trip is a flat tire, so you should have a plan.

Do you even know how to change a tire?.. I don't. The following baby changing tire meme says it all.

Totally valid argument. LOL.

Love this family's plan! Need to make sure to pack some duct tape on my next road trip!

…And When You're Finally Back
Oh… family road trips can be so exhausting… No wonter there are so many road trip memes, cartoon and jokes floating around.

When I get back from a road trip, I need three things. A good long hot shower.

To return to my normal diet.

…and a weekend long sleep.

Travelling with kids is hard, there is no doubt.

Sometimes I am glad I only have one child, although they say it is easier with two or three.

Yet, [most] road trips are so much fun! Road trips are the perfect way to really connect with everyone in your family on an intimate level, to see places you would never see from a plane, to experience adventure. We bring back lots of memories, lots of photos and lots of stories to tell.

No matter how hard it can be for us as parents, family road trips are some of the brightest childhood memories our kids would have. Ask yourself. I certainly remember many of them. I do not remember where we went, what we did, how we fought, what we ate… but I definitely remember how they made me feel – as a strong part of my family that loves to adventure together.

Have you enjoyed our large collection of road trip memes, travel jokes, funny family travel quotes, and cartoons? Which one was your favorite?!! POST IN COMMENTS!
You may also want to check out our other funny meme and humour collections:
our entire collection of family fun is HERE
60++ Absolutely Hilarious Homeschool Memes, Jokes & Cartoons for Moms
60++ Hilarious Hiking & Camping Memes You Absolutely Have To See
50++ Hilarious Travel Memes and Jokes To Cheer You Up During Covid19 Pandemic
Are you a creator of road trip cartoons, travel comics, or humorous books about travel with kids? Reach out to us, we'd love to feature you!
Cheerfully yours,
Alexandra, Alex & Cosmos
Share your own hiking and camping memes on social media! tag #PerfectDayToPlay to be featured on our Instagram!
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